Solarity was featured on Healthcare Tech Outlook. This full text of this piece can be accessed here.
The adage, “Where there’s data smoke, there’s business fire,”stands true in the modern-day healthcare sector, where data drives the gamut of operations.
Consequently, it’s crucial for healthcare systems to turn data into actionable insights for delivering the best quality of care to patients. However, with the healthcare web encompassing much more than the EHRs, the volume of data it churns out every second is incomprehensible. Providers are also snowed under a mass of data from multiple sources, making manual data management impossible.
At times like these, healthcare systems need the power of Al to streamline their dataflow -something intelligent clinical
data automation specialist Solarity excels at.
Solarity specializes in building an Al-powered, intelligent automation engine that captures, normalizes, and interprets all clinical data, irrespective of its source or format. It helps healthcare systems eliminate the need for multiple, one-to-one connections and serves as a universal interface to gather data from various sources, turn it into actionable insights, and store it inside their EHR. Doctors can easily and quickly gain access to this information, empowering them to better treat their patients.